Friday, September 7, 2007

Catching You Up

Dane and Ethan Running this afternoon.

Life in San Diego has been a little hectic to say the least. I have decided that it doesn't pay in ministry to take your vacation in August. We have felt so behind the ball as of the last week or so. Julia has started a second job outside of the church working at a local school as a teachers assistant. The best part is that Ethan gets to go with her each day and play with all the kids. He is sleeping like never before!! Joy of all joys. I have been desperately trying to get meetings and fall ministry off the ground. As of yesterday I finally feel sort of on top of things. We continue going through some really tough times at the church. Lots of unaswered questions about the future. It is a really tough place to be in again so soon after leaving Washington.

Hope you enjoyed the pictures of the last few weeks.

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